Ottawa County Safety Council

The Ottawa County Safety Council was formed in 2007 with one goal – to increase safety awareness in the community. Our Vision is to provide valuable safety information to members and the community, in an effort to prevent accidents in the workplace. BWC’s Division of Safety & Hygiene sponsors 83 safety councils across the state, including Ottawa County. The Ottawa County Safety Council is sponsored by the Ottawa County Improvement Corporation.

The safety council provides our business community with quality programs addressing occupational safety and health, workers’ compensation and risk management education and information. We keep our members informed about new techniques, products and services, and provide a thorough knowledge of additional services.

Benefits of Safety Council

BWC Workers' Compensation Rebate

Qualifying for BWC Workers’ Compensation Rebate is simple – and easier than ever before:

  • Join (or confirm your membership) with the safety council by July 31 of the current year
  • Attend 10 in-person safety council meetings between July 1, 2023 – June 30 of the current year

Rebates are available for Non-Group Rated employers, Group Experience Rated employers and Group Retrospective Rated employers. Self-Insured employers are not eligible for rebates, but are encouraged to attend Safety Council meetings to stay current on trends and to help promote safe workplaces throughout the county.

For more information about the rebate, click here.

Annual Dues

Membership costs are $150.00 per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) and are due by July 31st. To become a member, please complete and submit the Enrollment Form to

Checks payable to: Ottawa County Safety Council (address: 8200 W. SR 163, Oak Harbor, OH 43449)

Meeting Information

Safety Council Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month during lunchtime, located at Magruder Hospital in Port Clinton. A safety-related presentation (i.e. Claim Management; Health & Wellness; Construction, Fire, & Water safety, etc.) is provided at each meeting. Time is provided before and after the program to network with other businesses.

Member Safety Managers, HR representatives and Business CEOs, Directors, and Presidents are encouraged to attend. Guests are welcome to attend ($10 for non-members; cash/check).

Meeting Agenda:

▢ 11:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Registration/Networking/Lunch
▢ 11:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Speaker/Presentation
▢ 12:00 P.M. – 12:30 P.M. Networking

Attend our next safety council meeting.

To RSVP and for additional meeting information, click below.

Steering Committee

Jeff Jadwisiak, Machining Technologies
Mark Gallavan, Bay Point Resort & Marina
Kelly Biggert, Magruder Hospital
Jessica Grzechowiak, Ottawa County Improvement Corporation
Julie Reynolds, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation


8200 W. State Route 163

Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449


(419) 898-6242



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