*Sponsorship Deadline – Friday, July 28th

Sponsorship Levels


  • 2 EOC Passes (monetary value of $80)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Sign at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages


  • 4 EOC Passes (monetary value of $160)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Sign at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages


  • 6 EOC Passes (monetary value of $240)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Sign at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages
  • Name Printed on EOC Welcome Sign during Exclusive Manufacturing Business Tour Luncheon
  • 2 monetary sponsorships available. Sponsor will receive exclusive recognition at Schedel Gardens | Choices include:
    • TROPICAL GARDEN: Showcase your name on an individual sponsor sign next to the Tropical Gardens that reads “EOC Tropical Garden” sponsored by [sponsor name].
    • PEONY GARDEN: Showcase your name on an individual sponsor sign next to the Peony Garden that reads “EOC Peony Garden” sponsored by [sponsor name].


  • 8 EOC Passes (monetary value of $320)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Signs at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages
  • Name Printed on EOC Welcome Sign during Exclusive Manufacturing Business Tour Luncheon
  • 3 monetary sponsorships available. Sponsors will receive exclusive recognition at Schedel Gardens | Choices include:
    • LEO PELKA BONSAI SHELTER: Showcase your name on a large individual sponsor sign next to the shelter that reads “EOC Bonsai Shelter” sponsored by [sponsor name].
    • THE SHACK: Showcase your name on a large individual sponsor sign next to the shack that reads “EOC Shack” sponsored by [sponsor name].
    • JAPANESE GARDEN: Showcase your name on a large individual sponsor sign next to the Japanese Garden that reads “EOC Japanese Garden” sponsored by [sponsor name].


  • 10 EOC Passes (monetary value of $400)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Signs at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages
  • Name Printed on EOC Welcome Sign during Exclusive Manufacturing Business Tour Luncheon
  • ONLY 1 monetary sponsorship available. Sponsor will receive exclusive recognition including sponsor name signage on a large Swig Ohio Shuttle bus (bus will travel throughout the county during tour and will be parked out front of Schedel Gardens for everyone to see).
List name as you want it to appear
On the EOC Registration page, check "yes" for EOC Sponsor and follow the instructions from there. Your comp tickets will be included with your registration.
Please make checks payable to: Ottawa County Improvement Corporation

For questions, please contact Jessica Grzechowiak at jgrzechowiak@ocic.org

All contributions received on or before Friday, July 28th will be publicized on EOC sponsor boards, on the OCIC website, and on OCIC’s social media pages.