2018 Annual Trustee Meeting

Posted on: November 6, 2018

The Ottawa County Improvement Corporation held their Annual Trustee Meeting on Monday, November 5, 2018 at Wine Flight in Elmore. OCIC Trustee and Associate members, Ottawa County Commissioners and local community leaders were in attendance. Jamie Beier Grant, OCIC Director, gave an update on all the activities that took place during the 2018 year. This included business retention and expansion, new business attraction, workforce development and OhioMeansJobs. Other organizational updates included the Ottawa County Safety Council, the HR Network and OCIC’s social media presence.

Jamie also mentioned the new Ottawa County: It’s All Here workforce attraction campaign as part of the Ottawa County Business Advisory Council initiative. The goal of the campaign is to attract and encourage young talent to build their future here in Ottawa County.

For more information about the OCIC, please call our office at 419-898-6242 or visit our website: www.ocic.org.