High School Freshmen Explore Career Opportunities

Posted on: October 8, 2021

The Return of the Annual Ottawa County Career Showcase

The Ottawa County Business Advisory Council had a triumphant return of its annual Ottawa County Career Showcase on October 1st. This was the 7th year of the event. The career showcase was held at the CMP Competition Center at Camp Perry, in conjunction with National Manufacturing Day. Over 500 9th grade students from Ottawa County’s six school districts participated in the event. Freshmen students explored a variety of careers with 20+ businesses in Ottawa County. Businesses engaged the students in hands-on activities. This helped demonstrate necessary skill sets to obtain careers in Ottawa County. These activities included Sheetrock plastering and molding activities, pipe fitting exercises, operating a digital welding simulator, conveyor belt building and maintenance, security and safety activities, donning firefighter PPE, and electrical training kits.

Students learn how to operate “Jaws of Life” by moving a ball from one cone to another as part of Allen Clay Joint Fire District’s activity.

Praise from Ottawa County’s High School Freshmen

“I really liked the surgeon dummy that Magruder had,” commented Calica Metcalf, Genoa High School. “They showed us the procedure on how to clean an area when preparing for surgery. It was pretty cool.”

“It was interesting and informational!” stated Griffin Nelson, Port Clinton High School. “There was quite a bit of cool activities there such as the Davis Besse Security. The air rifles were pretty awesome to handle. It was nice to be out of the classroom and get to see some of the career opportunities in our area.”

Griffin Nelson of Port Clinton High School gives pipe fitting a try at Ohler & Holzhauer’s station.

New Ottawa County Business attends first Career Showcase

This was the first career showcase event for one of Ottawa County’s newest businesses. LEWCO Inc. had students “build” one of their conveyor systems.

“We had an amazing day at the Ottawa County Career Showcase. It was great to see their enthusiasm using tools and getting to assemble hands on,” commented Eve Wilson, HR Generalist for LEWCO. “They asked great questions and seemed genuinely interested in our assembly process.”

The hands-on activity involved students putting together the frame, inserting the rollers and fastening nuts and bolts.

Oak Harbor High School students put together the frame of a conveyor system at LEWCO’s station.

“As a new business to the area, we were excited to get our name out there and to let the students know their options after high school. We are looking forward to being a part of the Ottawa County Community and hope to hire some of these students in the future.  As our business continues to grow, so will our opportunities for these students and the community; everything from engineering to state of the art robotic and laser manufacturing and more. And a big thank you to the OCIC and BAC for letting us be a part of the day!”

2021 Participating Businesses included:

  • Allen-Clay Joint Fire District
  • Avery Dennison
  • Catawba Island Club
  • Civilian Marksmanship Program
  • Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station
  • GenoaBank
  • Great Lakes Community Action Partnership
  • Jet Express
  • Lake Erie Shores & Islands
  • LEWCO, Inc.
  • Luckey Farmers
  • Magruder Hospital
  • Mosser-Telamon
  • Northern Manufacturing
  • OhioMeansJobs Ottawa County
  • Ohler & Holzhauer
  • Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer’s Office
  • Ottawa County Skilled Trades Academy
  • Riverview Industries
  • U.S. Gypsum

Local and State Officials visit Career Showcase

Senator Theresa Gavarone, State Representative DJ Swearingen, and Ottawa County Commissioners Mark Coppeler, Don Douglas and Mark Stahl stopped out at the career showcase. They met some of the students and got to visit with the employers.

“I’d like to thank the OCIC, the Business Advisory Council and the many employers who came together to show our students all of the opportunities that our community has to offer,” stated State Representative Swearingen. “My hope is that they join the workforce locally and realize what a great place this is to live, work, and raise a family.”

Thank You to Everyone Involved!

A special thank you to:

  • Bassett’s Market
  • Bell Mell Tavern
  • Civilian Marksmanship Program
  • Moore Orchards
  • All our event volunteers: Blayze Behney, Kyle Clair, Bill Fisher, Megan Kimberlin, Connie North, Ashley Spangler, and the Skilled Trades Academy students: Fischer Mominee, Gavin Parlette, Andrew Pautz, Gabe Scott, Lukas Schaub, Hunter Schell and Dylan Snyder.

For more information on the Ottawa County Business Advisory Council, please visit www.ocic.org/ocbac.