*Sponsorship Deadline – Friday, July 26th

Sponsorship Levels


  • 2 EOC Passes (monetary value of $150)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Sign at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages


  • 4 EOC Passes (monetary value of $300)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Sign at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages


  • 6 EOC Passes (monetary value of $450)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Sign at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages
  • Name Printed on EOC Welcome Sign during all three Island Tour Luncheons.


  • 8 EOC Passes (monetary value of $600)
  • Name Printed on Sponsor Signs at EOC
  • Social Media Recognition on OCIC’s Pages
  • Name Printed on EOC Welcome Sign during all three Island Tour Luncheons.
List name as you want it to appear
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Please upload your logo in a JPEG or PNG (at least 800 pixels for quality purposes)
On the EOC Registration page, check "yes" for EOC Sponsor and follow the instructions from there. Your comp tickets will be included with your registration.
Please make checks payable to: Ottawa County Improvement Corporation

For questions, please contact Jessica Grzechowiak at jgrzechowiak@ocic.org

All contributions received on or before Friday, July 26th will be publicized on EOC sponsor boards, on the OCIC website, and on OCIC’s social media pages.