2019 Annual Trustee Meeting

Posted on: November 7, 2019

The Ottawa County Improvement Corporation held their Annual Trustee Meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at the Canoe Club Wine Bar in Marblehead. OCIC Trustee and Associate members, Ottawa County Commissioners and local community leaders were in attendance.

Ken Williams, OCIC Executive Board President, welcomes everyone to OCIC’s Annual Meeting.

Jamie Beier Grant, OCIC Director, gave an update on all the activities that took place during the 2019 year. This included retention efforts ofthe Davis Besse Power Plant Station, the OH-51 Elmore Bridge Project, Rapid Response activities, and the Workforce Priority Mapping within the 4 County Group (4CG). Business retention and expansion, new business attraction, communications & marketing, and workforce development are part of OCIC’s Strategic Plan. Other organizational updates included the OhioMeansJobs Ottawa County center, the Ottawa County Safety Council, and the Ottawa County Business Advisory Council.

Justin Moore, OCIC Executive Board Treasurer, gives the Treasurer’s Report.
Jamie Beier Grant, OCIC Director, presents OCIC’s activities and on-going projects for 2019.
Craig Trick, OCIC Executive Board Past-President, presents the 2020 Slate of Officers.

In August, the Ottawa County Business Advisory Council designed and implemented the first ever Ottawa County Skilled Trades Academy, an expansion of the BAC’s CEO Program. This would not have been possible without the help of the Ottawa County Community Foundation. The OCCF awarded the BAC in the amount of $38,750.00 for the Skilled Trades Academy. A check presentation was held this evening, which included members of the OCCF and the Skilled Trades Academy Program Instructor, Jim Lippert.

Pictured Left to Right: Marcia Jess (OCCF), Mary Coffee (OCCF), Jan Preston (OCCF), Tina Hablitzel (OCCF), Joy Roth (OCCF), Jamie Beier Grant (OCIC) and Jim Lippert (Skilled Trades Academy)

For more information about the OCIC, please call our office at 419-898-6242 or visit our website: www.ocic.org.