“Discover Where Your Talents Can Take You”
Friday, October 4, 2019 – OTTAWA COUNTY, OHIO In an ongoing effort to educate and engage students in the different career opportunities available to them within the community, the Ottawa County (Ohio) Business Advisory Council held its 6th annual Career Showcase event at the CMP Competition Center at Camp Perry on Friday, October 4 in conjunction with National Manufacturing Day. Over 500 9th grade students from school districts throughout Ottawa County participated in the event and explored a variety of careers with 28 businesses in Ottawa County. Businesses created hands-on activities to demonstrate skill sets necessary to obtain careers in Ottawa County – donning/doffing PPE, Sheetrock plastering and molding activities, operating a backhoe, safety relays, athletic training and physical therapy challenges, team building exercises, and chemistry experiments top the list.
U.S. Gypsum offered a hands-on experience using Sheetrock Joint Compound and Sheetrock Joint Tape to patch dents in wallboard, while also learning how to join Sheetrock boards together using the Joint Tape. The students also had the opportunity to create small molded figurines by hand-mixing USG Moulding Plaster with water. In this activity, they were able to observe the re-hydration process of calcined gypsum (aka plaster), which turns plaster powder to solid gypsum rock within minutes. “It was exciting to see how interested students were,” said Michaela Valenta, Project Engineer at USG. “We received a lot of good questions ranging from everything involving the chemistry of the gypsum rehydration reaction to the types of jobs available at our plant. We’re glad we got the chance to participate in such a great event!”
State Senator Theresa Gavarone, Ohio Senate District 2, was in attendance and enjoyed the event as well. “Events like the Career Showcase give students even more information about career fields by introducing them to area employers and displaying the different options available,” said Senator Gavarone. “There are countless career paths accessible to students in Ottawa County, and I appreciate the organizations involved in showing them the endless opportunities that exist in our region.”
State Representative D.J. Swearingen, Ohio House District 89, also spoke about the event. “I would like to thank OCIC for hosting this Career Day event and highlighting good-paying jobs and careers right here in Ottawa county that our students can pursue and obtain. We want to continue to encourage our young people to stay and raise their families here. Our area of the State provides such a unique lifestyle unlike any other in Ohio.”
Businesses participating in the event included – 200th RED HORSE Squadron, Allen-Clay Joint Fire District, Associated General Contractors, Bay Point Resort, Civilian Marksmanship Program, COACT Associates, Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station, GenoaBank, Genoa Retirement Village, Graymont Dolime, Lake Erie Shores & Islands, Luckey Farmers, Magruder Hospital, McDonalds, National Park Service, OhioMeansJobs Ottawa County, Ohler & Holzhauer, Ottawa County Engineer’s Office, Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office, Ottawa County Sanitary Engineer’s Office, Ottawa Soil & Water Conservation District, Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, Port Clinton Auto Repair, Rudolph Libbe Construction, and U.S. Gypsum. The Ottawa County Skilled Trades Academy and the Marine Apprenticeship Program were also featured at the event.
A special thank you to all the event volunteers – Shanna Strouse, Tami Matthews, Valerie Winterfield, Mayor Ken Harsanje, Kim Harsanje, Mary Wilson and TNT Mentoring.
For more information on the Ottawa County Business Advisory Council, please visit www.ocic.org or contact Jamie Beier Grant at 419.898.6242 or via email at jbgrant@ocic.org.